Fourth Ave – Interior Concepts

Words by Brett Winchester
Photography by Tim Allen
In Partnership with ForestOne

A 1960s family home in Melbourne receives a sleek upgrade from Interior Concepts, featuring EGGER’s PerfectSense Feelwood Panels from ForestOne. Used throughout, the panels enrich the aesthetic while offering ease of maintenance.

Tasked with modernising her clients’ family home, Interior Concepts managing director Amanda Monaghan sought to create a striking interior that provides an unexpected counterpoint to the 1960s exterior. There were also practical considerations – namely that Fourth Ave is home to a family with three young children – so the designer only considered “materials that would offer ease of maintenance while delivering the desired aesthetic,” says Amanda.

With its wood grain-like texture and matte black finish, the new Black U999 TM28 PerfectSense Feelwood Panel from ForestOne EGGER satisfied both those requirements. The PerfectSense Feelwood range also elevates the home’s interior design with its natural look and tactile experience. Used in the kitchen, butler’s pantry, entrance hall, bathroom and walk-in-robe, the Black U999 TM28 captures the essence of real timber to impart warmth. “The panels elevate the interior and give a very distinctive and dramatic look to the overall scheme,” says Amanda. “TM28 offers an authentic-looking solid-wood finish in addition to fingerprint-proof technology, which was another key factor in the decision-making process.”

Additionally, the TM28 is highly sustainable – with 87 per cent renewable resources and 65 per cent recycled content – further enhancing the wellbeing of the home and its owners. Its anti-fingerprint and antibacterial properties, together with its sustainable pedigree, made the pre-finished panel a natural choice for Fourth Ave. The matte finish and subtle contrast in textures also help to elevate the interiors. “We wanted to create a unique offering in the home,” says Amanda. To provide accents and create balance, she opted for a selection of EGGER’s wood-based decor products in shades of soft grey and sea-salt green.

The PerfectSense Feelwood range also elevates the home’s interior design with its natural look and tactile experience.

Interior Concepts Issue 14 Feature The Local Project Image (3)

EGGER’s TM28 PerfectSense Feelwood Panels offer a distinctive style that works to uplift any interior space. In considering the panels’ practical properties – with their sustainable credentials an added bonus – Amanda was able to provide her clients with an interior that is easily maintained and supports the lifestyle of a young family.

Materials by ForestOne EGGER. Specified by Interior Concepts. Engineering by OPS Engineering. Joinery by H plus H Projects.

EGGER’s TM28 PerfectSense Feelwood Panels offer a distinctive style that works to uplift any interior space.