The Local Project encourages intelligent conversation and welcomes questions, comments and debate on its social media platforms. As an organisation that supports architecture and design-related industries, we focus on constructive contributions, and will not provide a forum for trolling, abuse or personal attacks of any kind. If you see an interaction on The Local Project’s YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter feed that concerns you, please let us know.
We value the opinion of our readers, but will distinguish between comments that contain constructive, relevant arguments and those that are abusive, offensive or could be construed as an attack. We expect all commenters to consider the impact of their words and take responsibility for them. If we decide a comment is not in keeping with the spirit of this policy, we will remove it. We will also remove slanderous, defamatory or potentially libellous comments, and those that may breach copyright. Thank you for respecting The Local Project as a space for passionate, considered conversation, and for respecting the views of those you engage with
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that The Local Project’s social media channels may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.