Inspired by Place – Malvern Residence II by Studio Tate
Inspired by its surrounding landscape setting, Malvern Residence II sees a country cottage aesthetic thoughtfully inserted into its inner Melbourne milieu. Studio Tate combines a playful take on colour and finish, together with heightened and considered detailing, to propose a contextually responsive resolve.
The delicate weaving of old and new sees Malvern Residence II bind together time and purpose through an expression of colour and a connection to the natural. While the existing home sits surrounded by its own lush landscaped setting, the new is inspired by that same established natural buffering. A country garden cottage aesthetic is then applied and interpreted in various ways, all through a shared and modern lens. The addition combines the expected openness of any new home while also incorporating detailing and proportions that reflect the intended shaker style. Studio Tate draws from the existing context as the musing for the new, ensuring a complementing and contributing insertion as a result.
A deeply saturated palette enriches the natural elements, adding depth and moments of interest amongst the open and connected living spaces. Contrasting and muted greens are enlivened through matched stonework and intricate veining, expressed against tobacco toned leather and brass accents. While a base of timber and white plaster set the tone, the animated furniture and artwork insertions soak in the natural light as it enters through the many openings and operable elements of the façade. Whilst the surrounding landscape inspired the design approach, integrating the natural and living became an essential aspect of the new; creating and clearing visual sightlines aided in defining interior spaces.
Elements, such as the chevron patterned flooring, express the connection to the cottage oeuvre but become a gesture of a crisp and considered contemporary reinterpretation. The private and public spaces are then dotted with reminders of a past time; the artisan could be felt and seen in the hand-working of materials and natural patina over time yet doesn’t feel contrived. Through respecting traditional methods and adding a present take through available technologies, the results combine the best of the past and the present – through a sensible and sensitive restraint, a nurturing home is created.