Texture and Scale – Screen House by SSD Studio
Through restraint and a focus on materiality and scale, Screen House engages the existing streetscape with considered purpose. SSD Studio integrates sliding elements, which allows for the architecture to respond to both the environment and the owners, whilst texture adds depth throughout to maintain visual connections.
Extending upwards and outwards, the existing dwelling is reworked as an alternative to demolishing and building from the ground up. The existing, restrictive ceiling and planning did not allow for the natural flow of movement and ventilation throughout. An overhaul of the existing form sees ceiling heights raised, a second level added and a more generous sense of scale created inside. By reshaping the existing structure, SSD Studio avoids unnecessary excess materials and instead reconfigures the parts of the residence that were able to be shaped into the ideal family home.
Wanting to instil a resilience for the coming chapters, the selection of robust and hard-wearing materials was key. As a home for a young family, the spaces needed to be flexible to facilitate the anticipated changes and evolving needs of household members. Throughout, a light and open flow of movement grounds the spaces within the surrounding context and allows for a natural immersion. Located in Randwick, Sydney, the existing residence sits among established homes – maintaining that rhythm in the streetscape was important. Therefore, through the use of different materials, the façade and exterior become animated whilst respecting the context of place.
Opening its internal spaces up to natural light and air, the home can passively cool and heat itself. Elements in the façade can also move to allow for similar climatic control from within. Through an enduring relevance, simplicity underpins the finishes and palette, and the connection to natural materials – particularly timber – ensures the more muted, monochromatic elements are accompanied by warmth. A screen that is used to encase the exterior extends into the interior, most notably within the central staircase. Allowing for an increased sense of openness and visual connection, the transparency that the screen affords sets the tone for the overall home.
Through an enduring relevance, simplicity underpins the finishes and palette, and the connection to natural materials – particularly timber – ensures the more muted, monochromatic elements are accompanied by warmth.
By focusing on its existing usability, Screen House maintains the original footprint of the residence whilst emphasising quality over quantity. With a focus on building connections, SSD Studio opens and expands the family home across multiple levels, ensuring it is a responsive conduit for improved engagement with the surrounds.