Issue No. 17 now available to pre-order
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Habitats: City, Coast and Forest

Book Flatlay Cover Front Transparent Trio[1] Frame 83

A collectable trio of hardcover books

Decoding Design
15 - 18 March, 2018
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Design Week
Melbourne Design Week 2018 Logo


Part of Melbourne’s Design Week ‘Decoding Design‘ is an exploratory exhibition on how preconceived ideas about culture can affect ones expectations, by harnessing the effects of design to inform how preconceived cultural ideas can manifest through product.

Chinese automotive designer Yan Huang, German architect Manuel Canestrini and Israeli industrial designer Ilan El, interpret archetypical and traditional items of their fellow cultures in their own way. Each designer investigates a cultural perception on creating new interpretive objects.


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