Regatta Foreshore Walk Pavilion
by Day Bukh Architects

This lakeshore project links the town of Toronto to the edge of the lake providing a unique cultural and historical recreational area.
Designed by Day Bukh Architects, the Regatta Foreshore Walk Pavilion develops an existing public recreation space at the southern end of a foreshore reserve, creating a space which is visually dynamic and provides a physical and cultural connection with the community.
The language of the design is simple and modern using traditional materials and methods of construction. These materials are meant to be highly aesthetic, durable and relate to the existing lakeside context.
The buildings are comprised of three amenities buildings to replace the existing one building. The separation into three structures allows the scale of the buildings to decrease therefore downplaying their stature within the site and allowing increased permeability into and out of the site.
The shade structure unifies the three buildings visually while also performing functional requirements for shade, wind and rain protection. The buildings improve the amenity of the reserve and the local area by maintaining important lake views, addressing safety and access issues, while upgrading recreational facilities in a contextually sensitive manner.
Key elements of the project include a new amenities building including a combined kiosk and storage building, men and women’s toilet, change and shower facilities, associated paved and terraced plaza area for seating, a timber boardwalk along the foreshore edge and a new access from the boardwalk to the lake swimming baths.
Australian hardwood timbers such as red ironbark, spotted gum cladding and tallowwood decking were chosen for this project, for their durability and were locally sourced.
The outcome of this project is a unique lakeside environment by extension of the inherent physical forms of the land and bush.
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