Nura Space is a unified working platform (UWP) designed to intuitively support, understand and optimise workspaces and how people use them. By leveraging a combination of smart technology, data and behavioural science, Nura Space allows employers and their teams to curate a workplace experience centred on wellbeing, safety and efficiency.
Software-based booking and analytics platform to optimise workplaces.
Managed through smart technology, custom app and web dashboard.
Seamless integration with Microsoft Teams, Azure, Office 365 and Vecos Lockers.
A cloud-based network communicates from data storage to smart phone.
Product of Australia.
Nura Space is a unified working platform (UWP) designed to intuitively support, understand and optimise workspaces and how people use them. By leveraging a combination of smart technology, data and behavioural science, Nura Space allows employers and their teams to curate a workplace experience centred on wellbeing, safety and efficiency.
Software-based booking and analytics platform to optimise workplaces.
Managed through smart technology, custom app and web dashboard.
Seamless integration with Microsoft Teams, Azure, Office 365 and Vecos Lockers.
A cloud-based network communicates from data storage to smart phone.
Product of Australia.