Mystery clouds the ancient story of OURANOS: The God of Heaven, grandfather of Prometheus, consort and son to Earth Goddess Gaia. Honouring the vertical rotation of the planet Uranus with a transversal rift of light, an individual lustrous quartz sphere appears suspended in a slab of brass. Concealed by time, OURANOS reminds us to push past our limitations, eying the skies above our clouded collective consciousness.
Quartz Crystal Sphere
115 W x 100 D x 245 H mm
4.5 W x 3.9 D x 9.6 H ”
4kgs / 8.81lbs
Lamping: 2700K LED
Dimming: 0-10V or Remote Frequency
The Christopher Boots studio was founded on the principle of “Fiat Lux”: Let there be Light.
Established 11-11-11 through metaphysical and material exploration of quartz crystal, the studio gave birth to creating lighting with a signature aesthetic: exploring relationships between nature, architecture, symbology, geometry and geology, offering contemporary interpretations of structure, symmetry and pattern.
All works are handmade with love and care by a diverse team of skilled artisans. Collaborations with glass blowers, bronze foundries, sculptors, metal smiths and stone masons ensure a commitment to quality, underscoring an investigative sensibility, giving birth to a series of illuminating collections both alluring and unexpectedly visceral.
Collaborating with architects, interior designers and private clients fuels the dialogue between worlds we all transverse.
Lead time: 18 weeks.
Mystery clouds the ancient story of OURANOS: The God of Heaven, grandfather of Prometheus, consort and son to Earth Goddess Gaia. Honouring the vertical rotation of the planet Uranus with a transversal rift of light, an individual lustrous quartz sphere appears suspended in a slab of brass. Concealed by time, OURANOS reminds us to push past our limitations, eying the skies above our clouded collective consciousness.
Quartz Crystal Sphere
115 W x 100 D x 245 H mm
4.5 W x 3.9 D x 9.6 H ”
4kgs / 8.81lbs
Lamping: 2700K LED
Dimming: 0-10V or Remote Frequency
The Christopher Boots studio was founded on the principle of “Fiat Lux”: Let there be Light.
Established 11-11-11 through metaphysical and material exploration of quartz crystal, the studio gave birth to creating lighting with a signature aesthetic: exploring relationships between nature, architecture, symbology, geometry and geology, offering contemporary interpretations of structure, symmetry and pattern.
All works are handmade with love and care by a diverse team of skilled artisans. Collaborations with glass blowers, bronze foundries, sculptors, metal smiths and stone masons ensure a commitment to quality, underscoring an investigative sensibility, giving birth to a series of illuminating collections both alluring and unexpectedly visceral.
Collaborating with architects, interior designers and private clients fuels the dialogue between worlds we all transverse.
Lead time: 18 weeks.