Issue No. 17 now available to pre-order
Issue No.17 Pre-Order now.

Habitats: City, Coast and Forest

Book Flatlay Cover Front Transparent Trio[1] Frame 83

A collectable trio of hardcover books

Inspired by the Georgian townhouses and Victorian mansions that grace the streets of Londons magnificent old town, this range speaks of elegance and refined taste. Robust and confident, Park Lane offers the perfect balance of classic form equally at home in the city or leafy countryside.


Inspired by the Georgian townhouses and Victorian mansions that grace the streets of Londons magnificent old town, this range speaks of elegance and refined taste. Robust and confident, Park Lane offers the perfect balance of classic form equally at home in the city or leafy countryside.

Product Details & Specifications

Actual Dimensions (length x width x height mm)

230 x 110 x 76 mm

Average Weight (KG)





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