Purposeful Design – DesignByThem by Smart Design Studio

Words by Brett Winchester
Architecture by Smart Design Studio
Photography by Pete Daly
Interior Design by Smart Design Studio
Engineering by Northrop

Completed by Smart Design Studio, DesignByThem’s new Alexandria showroom expands the Australian furniture brand’s reach and gives the studio a new home to operate from. With considerate approaches to both architecture and interior design, Smart Design Studio has created a commercial space that is ideal for the furniture company.

Deciding to separate its showroom and warehouse, DesignByThem have acquired a new space that feels sincere, honest in its design and inspirational for both clients and staff. As such, the showroom exudes a gallery-like aesthetic where the products are able to shine against a clean backdrop.

Deciding to separate its showroom and warehouse, DesignByThem have acquired a new space that feels sincere, honest in its design and inspirational for both clients and staff.

Smart Design Studio chose to embrace the pre-existing industrial character of the building in designing the new space. When DesignByThem chose the building for its new showroom, Smart Design Studio knew that this was exactly the sort of company it wanted to move in. Beginning with the floor plan, the designers configured the space to allow visitors to walk in off the street and into the entrance area. From here, a custom wire-constructed staircase leads up to the mezzanine office that overlooks the rear double-height showroom.

Instantly falling in love with the space, DesignByThem have positioned displays and furniture around the space and on movable walls to allow clients to interact with the products. Additionally, from the mezzanine level, the staff are given a less-than-typical office where they are able to visually connect with the products throughout the day. Though using inexpensive and ordinary materials, Smart Design Studio has enacted a high attention to detail to each material choice by treating them like precious resources. As such, white brickwork acts as a blank canvas for the furniture to stand out, whilst the flooring is vitrified tile best suited for commercial spaces and terrazzo is used in the bathrooms. However, one of the more unusual design aspects is that the showroom does not rely on direct sunlight to illuminate the space. Instead, Smart Design Studio has shaped the studio to be lit by windows that runs down the southern side of the roof and washes the room in a calming milky light.

Instantly falling in love with the space, DesignByThem have positioned displays and furniture around the space and on movable walls to allow clients to interact with the products.

By allowing clients and staff to connect to the products from anywhere within the showroom, Smart Design Studio has given DesignByThem the ultimate showroom in which to grow. With moveable walls and displays, the leading Australian furniture company are able to showcase its wares with complete confidence.