Intentionally Organic – RMBL by Golden
As a reconfiguration of the traditional workplace model, RMBL is the opening up and connecting of focused and collaborative zones to create an organic and intentional series of spaces. Golden utilises colour and curves to create opportunities for activity-based working.
Responding to how the RMBL team wants to work and engage, the company has conjured a more intentional means to bring together the many methods by which they do business. Traditionally, RMBL’s workspace was designed along a familiar linear and segregated approach, with elements such as offices, boardrooms, meeting rooms and workstations all occupying differing areas internally. As a means to evolve the model and create a series of spaces that allow for activity-based working, the new space is inspired by a more organic and curved approach, where movement through from one area to another is softened by curved insertions and animated through the use of select colour. Interior design studio Golden has fused a contemporary approach to space making that facilitates energy and interaction.
Reflecting the team’s emphasis on a natural flow of knowledge and collaboration, the new space is located above a public library with enviable views over the Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne. It was important that the workspace felt more inviting than what existed prior, and so wellness elements have been integrated into the space, including a dedicated room for relaxing and reading, allowing staff to feel a sense of escape as needed. While modern in its approach, the integration of curved elements into the space offers something unexpected, which is a reflection of the design as a whole. Acoustic considerations allow for natural zoning to occur, while more open areas allow for an osmosis of learning, purely from being within the space.
Navigating the non-linear spatial planning was also important, making way for an important connection to wayfinding and its place within the workspace. While visual connections remain in place, it is the story of journey that binds each area together. While open in some areas, the space offers a variety of pod arrangements and incidental spaces in which to meet and convene. The underlying principles are guided by use and the intended activity, and the space is therefore sculpted by different heights and types of desks and seating arrangements, with consideration to ergonomics and the ability to bring large or small groups together. The warmth of orange, rust and the use of timber is highlighted by black framing elements and the use of a wattle colour add an element of contrast within the same tonality, linking the spaces.