Issue No. 17 now available to pre-order
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Habitats: City, Coast and Forest

Book Flatlay Cover Front Transparent Trio[1] Frame 83

A collectable trio of hardcover books

The Mid Century Project
15 - 24 March, 2018
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Mid Century Melbourne Small 1
Ici Building Melbourne


Following rave reviews of the recent ABC television series Streets of Your Own, Australian actor Tim Ross welcomes guests into the iconic ICI Building in Melbourne, for this years Mid Century Project, as part of Melbourne’s Design Week.

Over the last five years, Tim along with Australian musician Kit Warhurst, have taken temporary possession of architecturally significant buildings and skilfully blended storytelling, music and design. These ideals have been well played, as the iconic ICI Building is transformed for this limited season, with a series of mid-century modern inspired installation, using film, sound, furniture and art.


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