Quietly Removed – Greens Beach by Field Office Architecture

Interior Design by Field Office Architecture
Visualisation by Kin Creatives

Immersed within its surrounds, Greens Beach House is formed on an outwardly connected methodology, resulting in a pavilion that opens to both the beach and bushland aspects equally. Field Office Architecture draws from the coastal positioning to craft a robust and sensitive insertion into the landscape that opens to engage with the natural elements.

Surrounded by bushland, cliffs and a sandy beach, Greens Beach House aligns along the central north coast of Tasmania. Despite the narrow site, the proposal seeks to create a place of shelter and outlook that distracts from other neighbouring homes and focuses on the abounding natural delights as the main draw for the home. Imagined as an idyllic escape for its owners to retreat to away from their more urban city lives, visual and other sensorial connections ensure a heightened sense of disconnect when they visit. Field Office Architecture creates a responsive and responsible introduction to the bushfire prone area, concealing a multitude or performance requirements within the simplified outer refined form.

Surrounded by bushland, cliffs and a sandy beach, Greens Beach House aligns along the central north coast of Tasmania.

Opening at either edge, the pavilion sits lengthways as it addresses both the dense vegetation on one side and access to the beach in the distance on the other. Being able to coexist within such an untouched natural setting has its requirements, and ensuring an appropriate application of materiality to ensure such a resilience was key. Combining both a black aluminium cassette panel and Corten steel, the exterior is divided boldly to articulate the façade, while also reinforcing the form amongst its surrounds. Sitting between these elements are panels of glazing that allow for strong visual connections, and the more solid features bookend the overall and direct views outward, away from neighbours.

Creating a sense of seclusion formed an important part of the brief, and by directing sightlines away from other nearby dwellings that feeling of being removed and disconnected is achieved. Internally, the approach takes on more of a cocooning affect, with natural timbers wrapping the walls and ceiling, while the robust exposed concrete flooring continues the narrative of robustness inside. With the focus and purpose of the home to be a retreat of sorts, ensuring reminders of place were felt throughout underpins both the planning and the palette selection, while connecting to the landscape.

Combining both a black aluminium cassette panel and Corten steel, the exterior is divided boldly to articulate the façade, while also reinforcing the form amongst its surrounds.

As a modern responsive glass pavilion suited to its climate, Greens Beach House captures the spirit of living remotely, while combining with the refinement of a contemporary resolve. Field Office Architecture redefines the coastal aesthetic through crafting a unique setting that allows an absorption into the surrounds.