Scientia Terrace at Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College by Hayball

Words by Peter Bain
Photography by Martin Mischkulnig

Unveiled in May 2023, the Scientia Terrace at Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College is at the forefront of educational design.

Developed by renowned architect Hayball, this six-level structure located in Sydney’s north is a state-of-the-art sports, innovation, science, social justice and enterprise hub. Its opening has marked a pivotal moment in the transformation of the Monte campus, ushering in a new era of enriched learning and boundless inspiration for current and future students.

The facility seamlessly integrates cutting-edge learning technologies with a deep respect for the site’s heritage and the enduring legacy of the Sisters of Mercy.

Beyond its physical structure, Scientia Terrace embodies the convergence of innovation, social responsibility and educational excellence. Woven into a meticulous 50-year master plan created by Hayball, the facility seamlessly integrates cutting-edge learning technologies with a deep respect for the site’s heritage and the enduring legacy of the Sisters of Mercy.

This multifaceted hub encompasses specialised laboratories, a distinguished Scientist-in-Residence program, a dedicated social enterprise and innovation hub and versatile learning and outdoor spaces. Going beyond the confines of traditional educational spaces, Scientia Terrace cultivates an environment that encourages exploration, creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Scientia Terrace At Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College By Hayball Issue 14 Feature The Local Project Image (13)

At its heart lies the Social Enterprise Centre, a hub of innovation and ethical commitment. Housing an innovation workshop, pitch space, ‘Fab lab’ and a Fair Trade cafe, the centre epitomises the fusion of creativity, commerce and global awareness. It serves as a platform where students actively design, test and manufacture goods with ethical considerations, with the Fair Trade cafe acting as both a showcase and a means to raise awareness of global equal working conditions.

As Hayball principal and NSW studio lead Dave Tordoff explains, “when a site can offer a seamless experience of mixed-use design, it enriches a user’s experience physically, emotionally and socially.”

“The Social Enterprise Centre … serves as a platform where students actively design, test and manufacture goods with ethical considerations.”

Scientia Terrace goes beyond a typical education facility – it represents the transformative power of architectural innovation in education, creating spaces that inspire, connect and foster a sense of belonging.

Architecture and interior design by Hayball. Build by Richard Crookes Constructions. Landscape by SMM. Structural and civil engineering by Webber Design. Mechanical service engineering by Shelmerdines. Electrical and dry fire service engineering by JHA. Hydraulic and wet fire service engineering by Northrop. Fire engineering by Arup. Traffic engineering by TRAFFIX. Acoustical engineering by Wilkinson Murray. Aboriginal and cultural heritage consulting by Biosis. ESD consulting by Cundall. Accessibility DDA, BCA and PCA consulting by Philip Chun. Geotechnical and environmental contamination consulting by Douglas Partners. Town planning by Urbis. Surveying by Total Surveying Solutions.

“When a site can offer a seamless experience of mixed-use design, it enriches a user’s experience physically.”