Issue No.16 Now available to order.
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Habitats: City, Coast and Forest

Book Flatlay Cover Front Transparent Trio[1] Frame 83

A collectable trio of hardcover books

Book Launch: Walter Burkey Griffin by Jeffrey Turnbull
28 August, 2018 - Fitzroy, VIC, Australia
Melbourne School of Design, VIC, Australia


Join the Melbourne School of Design for the book launch of Walter Burley Griffin: the Architecture of Newman College, 1915-18 by Jeffrey John Turnbull.

The event will be celebrated with speeches accompanied by light refreshments and book sale. The new self-published book is available at AUD$100 and can be ordered at or purchased on the day via cash payment.

Date and time: Tuesday 28 August, 2018, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm AEST

Location: B117 Theatre, Basement, Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne, Masson Rd, Parkville VIC 3010

Register here.

About Walter Burley Griffin: the Architecture of Newman College, 1915-18

Little has been written on the Newman College commission. Turnbull’s study of notions in the literature available prior to 1915 explores Griffin’s planning, construction and form. Unlike most architectural history writing, the particular informed the general.

The story of the design of the Initial Structure is intriguing for College alumni and students and scholars of early 20th century social, technological, and aesthetic changes.


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