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Habitats: City, Coast and Forest

Book Flatlay Cover Front Transparent Trio[1] Frame 83

A collectable trio of hardcover books

The Deco Line of doors brings the charm of early 20th-century design into a modern context. Featuring an aluminum frame with slats and single glazing, these doors are available in both sliding and pivot styles.
The collection reimagines the classic aesthetics of the turn-of-the-century with its unique geometric patterns, including intersecting bars and the option for blank panels. This creates three elegant new styles that blend timeless design with contemporary appeal.


The Deco Line of doors brings the charm of early 20th-century design into a modern context. Featuring an aluminum frame with slats and single glazing, these doors are available in both sliding and pivot styles.
The collection reimagines the classic aesthetics of the turn-of-the-century with its unique geometric patterns, including intersecting bars and the option for blank panels. This creates three elegant new styles that blend timeless design with contemporary appeal.

Product Details & Specifications

Available options include sliding doors, sliding doors with track, and pivot hinge doors. Available finishes for main surface includes: transparent glasses, frosted glasses, reflective glasses, mirrors, multi-layered glass with mesh, glossy back-painted glasses, frosted back-painted glasses, multi-layered glass with mesh.  Available frame finish includes: aluminum frames.


Customizable in size and finishes.

Product Warranty

The ADL products are subject to a guarantee of three years. In case of defect, please contact your ADL retailer, presenting the purchase invoice or the sales receipt and indicating the faulty model and the type of defect. For more information, please contact your local ADL retailer.

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