Issue No.15 Now available to order.
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Habitats: City, Coast and Forest

Book Flatlay Cover Front Transparent Trio[1] Frame 83

A collectable trio of hardcover books

Product & Material Distribution

Capensis (Latin for “from the Cape”) is the exclusive distributor of two leading designer brands, HALDANE and TONIC. Haldane’s iconic outdoor furniture range and Tonic’s beautiful interior pieces have graced some of the most prestigious commercial and residential spaces in Africa, Europe and Asia. Capensis, founded by fellow Sydney based South Africans Justine Holmner and Candice Shakenovsky, aims to bring to the Australian market, a designer furniture offering that is unique, high quality and well priced relative to its competitors.  From their distinctive design details and uncompromising craftsmanship, we look forward to introducing this collection of beautiful pieces to Australia and pay homage to our rich heritage. Our offering includes the sourcing and tailoring of our products through to delivery along with a fantastic trade discount structure.
Capensis (Latin for “from the Cape”) is the exclusive distributor of two leading designer brands, HALDANE and TONIC. Haldane’s iconic outdoor furniture range and Tonic’s beautiful interior pieces have graced some of the most prestigious commercial and residential spaces in Africa, Europe and Asia. Capensis, founded by fellow Sydney based South Africans Justine Holmner and Candice Shakenovsky, aims to bring to the Australian market, a designer furniture offering that is unique, high quality and well priced relative to its competitors.  From their distinctive design details and uncompromising craftsmanship, we look forward to introducing this collection of beautiful pieces to Australia and pay homage to our rich heritage. Our offering includes the sourcing and tailoring of our products through to delivery along with a fantastic trade discount structure.
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