Inspired by the Elements — 272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal by Contreras Earl Architecture
Contreras Earl Architecture has long maintained distinction as a company that invests in technological evolution. With an architectural ethos deeply informed by nature, its projects are noted for honouring and inspiring connection with the landscape they inhabit. The firm’s latest undertaking, a stainless-steel pedestal base for a 44-storey beachside tower in Queensland, extends this tradition of architectural excellence while highlighting the wonders of nature.
Just strides from Mermaid Beach on the Gold Coast, a tower by Australian property developer Sunland Group, christened 272 Hedges Avenue, echoes undulating waves. At the base of the structure is its tour de force – a two-storey pedestal designed by Rafael Contreras Morales and Monica Earl of Contreras Earl Architecture, inspired by the movement of wind and water.
The pedestal’s exterior is of special note. A lightweight stainless-steel monocoque, it was pre-assembled at full scale in the Netherlands before its final installation in Queensland. The reflective surface serves as a matte-finish mirror to the streetscape, while its six-millimetre skin – composed of 120 discrete panels – lends support to the structure and gives the two-storey base its dramatic monolithic appearance.
The interior emphasises the impression established by the pedestal’s façade, with a cave-like aura that alludes to an eroded rock face. Vaulted arches and deep, shadowy voids punctuate the foyer, projecting the illusion of a lunar hardscape that seemingly never ends. One space organically progresses to the next, and artistic lighting subtly follows the ridgelines to elevate the spatial layout. “We used computational modelling technology to conceive the exterior façade and interior areas of the pedestal, creating a sculptural, organic design sympathetic to the coastal urban environment,” says Rafael.
The sculptural quality of the architecture parlays into the interior details, as evidenced in the stainless-steel concierge desk in the foyer and the lift lobby with its larger-than-life arched leitmotifs. Other spaces that Contreras Earl Architecture was tasked with designing in a similar vein include the luxurious resident lounge, boardroom, function room, gym, sauna, hammam steam room and various treatment rooms. Both the 15-metre swimming pool and the spa – overarched by a vaulted ceiling and flanked by a terrace garden – were designated to the first floor as the crowning glory of the interior scheme. Throughout, the design approach was pointed at creating minimalist, tactile and soothing spaces that are reminiscent of a sensorial sanctuary.
The pedestal base at 272 Hedges Avenue is testament to Contreras Earl Architecture’s longstanding commitment to push the envelope of architectural possibilities. “By using advanced software, robotics, materials and construction processes, we are liberated from traditional building practices and forms and free to explore more creative, avant-garde ideas,” Monica concludes.