Guided by Nature – River Hearth House by Arcke

Words by Bronwyn Marshall
Architecture by Arcke
Interior Design by Arcke
Landscape by Prandium Studio

With only the brick fireplace remaining from the original home, River Heath House is artfully arranged around this central feature as a tribute to the past. Arcke’s focus is on creating connections with the natural surrounds through permeable forms, allowing for generous openings and clear visual access between the interior and exterior spaces.

Committed to proposing sustainable architecture, Arcke ensures that River Hearth House follows to this guiding principle. Although the entirety of the original dwelling could not be retained, the utilisation of the standing fireplace serves as a timeless totem, bridging eras on site. Positioned at the centre, the fireplace carries both symbolic and functional significance, providing warmth to the heart of the home, which radiates outward. Embracing a deeply functional approach, Arcke draws inspiration from the nearby river to navigate the site. The design captures the changing movements of the sun as well as the seasonal changes in the landscape through a collection of forms that harmonise amid the established trees, consistently offering views of the river.

The design captures the changing movements of the sun as well as the seasonal changes in the landscape through a collection of forms that harmonise amid the established trees, consistently offering views of the river.

Nestled along the riverfront, the home balances functionality with the flowing nature of water. The overall form emerges as a combination of intimate structures interweaving to form private outdoor courtyards and retreat spaces. Beyond being a residence, the building establishes a connection to the natural elements, seamlessly integrating them into the daily living experience through extensive glazing. The sentiment of gathering around a fireplace extends to the house’s design, with forms converging around the centre and shaping the overall footprint.

The various zones throughout are tailored to meet diverse functional needs, encompassing areas for work as well as communal gathering spaces. Balancing openness with more intimate, cocoon-like areas is also a key consideration. The landscape itself is conceived with an overarching vision of connection, grounding the residence in place. The use of recycled hardwood also contributes to the sustainable nature of the abode, giving materials a second life in a new location. Additionally, many of the original bricks and tiles have been repurposed, minimising waste. The result is a home that exudes warmth, seamlessly blending with its surroundings and interweaving elements of the past with the present.

The result is a home that exudes warmth, seamlessly blending with its surroundings and interweaving elements of the past with the present.

Through a sensitive and focused approach, Arcke skilfully integrates the home among the mature trees on site, delicately harmonising the built and natural elements. Clad in timber salvaged from the original dwelling, River Hearth House is designed to age gracefully and showcase a natural greying process that celebrates the visible marks of time.