Enduring Resilience โ€“ The Unique Hand Brushing Technique of VOLA

Words by Bronwyn Marshall
Photography by Alex Wilson
Design by VOLA

Underpinned by an authenticity towards craft, VOLA has built a reputation creating enduring and distinct tapware. The unique hand brushing technique applied to each product infuses a connection to maker and long-lasting durability.

Based in Horsens, Denmark, VOLAโ€™s family-driven values have inevitably formed the base from which all the resulting design directives and principles are born. Known for using only premium metals in all their fixtures, the company easily repurposes the resulting waste and off-cuts. The considered lifecycle not just of the tapware fixtures themselves but of their effect on a larger waste issue globally has always been a core directive in the production of VOLA pieces. From the outset, longevity has always been at the forefront when designing products. VOLAโ€™s modular system ensures that old parts can be replaced with new parts, even with products from as far back as the 1960s.

VOLAโ€™s modular system ensures that old parts can be replaced with new parts, even with products from as far back as the 1960s.

VOLAโ€™s original designs are paired with unique finishing processes. The brushed stainless steel surface technique has yet to be successfully replicated and remains a true point of difference, which enables the resulting pieces to withstand a plethora of conditions. Increasing the durability of the finishes avoids scuffing and chipping over time, the hand-applied technique responds to the shape and geometric nuances of each object. Varying in colours and raw metal finishes, VOLAโ€™s brushed finishes are versatile in a range of applications.

VOLAโ€™s commitment to engaging the best craftspeople means the hand-touched nature of the finishes is evident. This increases performance, embeds a distinct resilience and allows fixtures to be matched with past or future VOLA products, allowing for a consistent and seamless finish throughout a project. The company believes that great design will always resonate and the approach to product creation instils each piece with durability and a meaning that goes deeper than appearance.

The company believes that great design will always resonate and the approach to product creation instils each piece with durability and a meaning that goes deeper than appearance.

Minimalist and authentic in intent, VOLA ensures its distinctive silhouettes are matched by an equally relevant finish. The engagement of craftspeople and the overlaying of their unique brushing finish technique reinforces the importance of pursuing well-resolved and considered design.